July 26, 2023

Prism Labs’ single camera bodymapping technology validated by Texas Tech University

Our new tech has been found to be more consistent than multiple sensor scanners for both body circumference measurements and body composition

Prism Labs’ single camera bodymapping technology validated by Texas Tech University
Paulo Melo
VP of Product
Prism Labs

Something that’s very important to us at Prism Labs is that users can trust our technology to generate accurate and reliable data. Dr Grant Tinsley from the Energy Balance and Body Composition Laboratory at Texas Tech University has been working with us since spring 2022 to validate our methods against industry standards. The Clinical Nutrition Open Science journal has just published a peer-reviewed paper titled “Improved precision of 3-dimensional optical imaging for anthropometric measurement using non-rigid avatar reconstruction and parameterized body model fitting”.

That’s a very detailed and long title, so we want to break down what this means in simple English.

This research validated the leap forward we’ve made with our 3D bodymapping technology. It compared first generation multi-sensor scanners to our second generation proof of concept single sensor scanner. These devices differ as follows:

First Generation Scanners Second Generation Scanner
 Three or more sensors   Single sensor
  Rigid subject   Non-rigid subject
  Turntable required to spin subject   Subject turns themselves

What this means is that our newer solution requires less hardware (both cameras and turntables) which reduces overall cost, and has an improved user experience where the subjects spin on their own, meaning it is both easier to use and portable. 

Our single camera technology allows customers to perform a scan by completing a 10 second spin

The results also speak for themselves. Using 69 adult subjects, Dr Tinsley’s team validated that the single sensor method was more consistent than the first generation scanners. The most significant improvements were in 1) waist-to-hip ratio accuracy with errors reduced by half. This is very important because waist-to-hip ratio is one of the best markers of obesity and body composition and 2) improved consistency for body fat percentage with a degree of precision similar to DXA.

We want to congratulate Dr Tinsley’s laboratory and team on this new publication! 

What’s next? Dr. Grant’s team has already collected data using our latest mobile-based system to validate that methodology against a variety of body composition scanners including DXA and are in the process of writing up their findings. We will be publishing a white paper with some of their initial data soon - reach out now if you’d like to learn more about how you could integrate our bodymapping technology natively into your app.

Read the full paper here: